Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Last Day of Work!!

Thursday is my (Heidi's) last day of work! Monday, some of the other people I work with had an impromptu "good luck" cake and goodbye for me, which was very nice, and Wednesday both of us are off to get some things done before the movers come for their walk-through. Thursday is going to be a big day, but next week will be even bigger (when the movers come and we actually hit the road!)

Coop and Daddy

Incredible Japanese Wave Pool

Whoa, this is not a wave of humans, it's a wave pool in Japan.

Monday, August 27, 2007

This is it.....

We are moving on.........This is it!

The California Rawsons have one full week left here until we embark on the long and winding road to North Cacalaca. You can't wipe the smile off of our faces.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Simple Weather

No muss, no fuss: Just current conditions and the five-day forecast, by city or ZIP code, without ads or other distractions. The site remembers your last three checkpoints and lists them in a drop down menu for easy access. If your computer doesn't accept cookies, you can bookmark the SimpleWeather with your ZIP code in the URL, like so: (replace the zeroes with your ZIP's five digits). The weather data comes from and for now, coverage is U.S. only, but Canada and the UK are next.

Free Yourself From Junk Mail

The world's forests are feeling the strain as global paper consumption has increased 74% since 1980. The U.S., with five percent of the world's population, consumes 30% of the world's paper. Bulk mail accounts for 5.2 million tons of waste each year.

How do I take action? features a form that will generate letters for you to print out, sign, and mail to marketing preference organizations. You can find this form here.

What we do matters!
If only 1,000 of us succeed in halving our personal bulk mail, we will save 170 trees, nearly 46,000 pounds of carbon dioxide, and 70,000 gallons of water each year.

Friday, August 24, 2007

What do Graham Crackers, Marshmallows, and Chocolate Equal?

FUN, that's what!

You know what's fun? Letting your kids have something (once in a while and in moderation) that you normally don't let them have, and seeing what fun it is for them, and how they love it! It's just Mommy and kids tonight, so I decided to give them Smores (a la Toaster Oven); they came out GREAT and they had a BLAST with them!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Where Have We Been?

Collectively, we've been to 9 countries, 32 states, and the District of Columbia.

Here's our Map. Green is where we'll be adding on our trip back to the East Coast.

Get Your Own MapView Larger Map

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Potty Time in the House!

Someone else
wants to use the potty!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Chik-Fil-A Free Chicken And A Coke

Promotion begins 8-20 and ends 9-29.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Baskin-Robbin's Birthday Club

Want Free Ice Cream? Join the club and get a free scoop on your birthday!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

It's Official

We are homeowners. Nuff Said!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Hawaiian Day

Today was Hawaiian dress-up day at the kid's day care. Ari and Jeff bought them matching outfits on their last trip. Ava's about to bust out of her's at the seams, but we were able to make the dress a top, and put matching shorts on them. Of course, getting them to pose is another matter all together...

Thursday, August 16, 2007


You know the saying, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all?"

Someone once said to me, instead, what your saying, is it:
  • Timely
  • True
  • Necessary
  • Kind

Bzzz, Bzzz, Bzzz

Cooper's Haircut

Daddy decided to give Cooper a buzz like his; Coop did great, just sat there. I was pretty shocked how much hair he had as it came off, but it looks real cute (see Hawaiian Day photo), and now we can save on haircuts (we'll need too save every penny now that we've moving, buying a house, and I won't have a job right away!) :-)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Greta, the Bed-wetta, All betta

Greta is all better! She had her last follow up appointment with the vet yeterday, stitches removed, and given a clean bill of health. She was finally allowed, after 10 days, to remove that annoying cone off her head! When she got home she did the run-run, which she hasn't done in a while!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

8 Pounds of Cooking

As we're getting ready to move, we've been selling things on (love it!),, and Ebay. Can you believe one cookbook we sold actually weighed 8 pounds?! Didn't the kid in Jerry McQuire say the human head weighs that much?

No Reservations

One of Joey's new favorite shows, Travel Channel's "Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations."

"In Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations, his journey takes him to people and places far beyond the realm of food. Following his wanderlust will take the audience to far-out and familiar places, from Iceland to Vietnam and Tuscany to the Pacific Northwest.

Anthony Bourdain is and has been a professional chef and writer for more than three decades, and his point of view will always reflect that experience. But in Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations, this anti-celebrity chef is out of the kitchen ... on the road ... no holds barred."

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Birthday Wishes to Nana

Happy Birthday, Nana!

True Fan

If you are a true fan of the "Orange and the Black", check this out........

GET ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Rules of a Toddler

If it is on, I must turn it off.
If it is off, I must turn it on.
If it is folded, I must unfold it.
If it is a liquid, it must be shaken, then spilled.
If it a solid, it must be crumbled, chewed or smeared.
If it is high, it must be reached.
If it is shelved, it must be removed.
If it is pointed, it must be run with at top speed.
If it has leaves, they must be picked.
If it is plugged, it must be unplugged.
If it is not trash, it must be thrown away.
If it is in the trash, it must be removed, inspected, and thrown on the floor.
If it is closed, it must be opened.
If it does not open, it must be screamed at.
If it has drawers, they must be rifled.
If it is a pencil, it must write on the refrigerator, monitor, or table.
If it is full, it will be more interesting emptied.
If it is empty, it will be more interesting full.
If it is a pile of dirt, it must be laid upon.
If it is stroller, it must under no circumstances be ridden in without protest. It must be pushed by me instead.
If it has a flat surface, it must be banged upon.
If Mommy's or Daddy's hands are full, I must be carried.
If Mommy/Daddy is in a hurry and wants to carry me, I must walk alone.
If it is paper, it must be torn.
If it has buttons, they must be pressed.
If the volume is low, it must go high.
If it is toilet paper, it must be unrolled on the floor.
If it is a drawer, it must be pulled upon.
If it is a toothbrush, it must be inserted into my mouth.
If it has a faucet, it must be turned on at full force.
If it is a phone, I must talk to it.
If it is a bug, it must be swallowed.
If it doesn't stay on my spoon, it must be dropped on the floor.
If it is not food, it must be tasted.
If it IS food, it must not be tasted.
If it is dry, it must be made wet with drool, milk, or toilet water.
If it is a car seat, it must be protested with arched back.
If it is Mommy/Daddy, it must be hugged.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Guess What????

I am tired and I want to go to bed. That's what.

Happy Birthday, Mom!!

Today is also Mom (Ingrid's) birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! We love you!

Smokey the Bear

The people of the United States consume enough firewood each year to build a 100-foot stack of wood which would stretch from New York City to San Francisco!

Well, today is Smokey the Bear's Birthday!

To learn more, go to the RAWSONFOURKIDSCHOICE page!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Movie Quote: Black Sheep (1996)

Governor Tracy: Now you'll have to tell me your name so I know who to make the check out to.

Clyde: My best friends call me Cash.

Monday, August 6, 2007


Greta is getting much better; she wants to get around the house and wants to take the cone off, but the doctor isn't ready for that to happen yet. But he removed the drain and bound her up, which made her more crazy!

Road Itinerary

We're still working our itinerary, but are you interested in what we are going to use to help us on our way?

Road Trip USA

American Automobile Association

Pharos Drive GPS 135 (on loan from my cousin Tracy!)

CoPilot Navigator 9 with Philips GPS Locator

Early Warning Laser & Radar Detector with Voice/Text Display

Verizon Wireless

Courtesy of Kayla

This is why we're told not to run with sharp objects... Check out Snopes for the story.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Work, work, work

Shredding, trashing, sorting, burning, storing, donating, selling, mailing, organizing, cleaning, packing, planning, downsizing.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

New Posts

New recipes and reviews on RAWSONFOURFOOD and RAWSONFOURRECORDS. Check it out!

Friday, August 3, 2007


We just got Greta home and she's pretty miserable. She has to wear a collar for 10 days, and she has sutures everywhere. We feel so bad for her. But it was for the best. Now she is bump free, and has nice breath. YIPPEE!!!!!!


Greta had surgery today to remove a few lumps (benign) and have dental cleaning done. She'll be home later today, but she'll be sore for a few days. We have to make sure to keep the kids away from here so she can recuperate in peace! :-)

Indoor Picnic

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Rawsonfour Records

Check out the new post on Rawsonfour Records ( a subsidiary of Pat Rawson Records)!!!

Go now, before it becomes too late to save you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Down to August

We're down to a month and change! Time seems to be slipping by now, and as anxious as we are to get on the road and start the move, there's so much to do in not very much time. Sort through our things, plan with the movers, housing, auto shipper, plan the itinerary, close out at work... Lots to do!