Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Day 4 and 5, Truckin

Since we last left our fearless travelers, they have traveled quite a bit. First stop in Wyoming was Jackson Hole. What a great town. It's probably a winter wonderland during the snow season. Then next stop, Yellowstone. Just a nice drive through Teton National Park to the massive greatness of Yellowstone. With a serene view of forest's, lakes, animals (moose, buffalo, elk) and of course the geysers. Old Faithful, pretty much what it is. We had a show time of 2:27 pm, but she came early. It was a geyser, a hot steamy water volcano thingy (as Cooper would say).

After our nice drive through the park, including a nice visit from Officer Smith of the highway patrol (only a warning, but we slowed down after that. Ava has a lead foot). We headed to the Sheridan, Wyoming. Passing through the rodeo capitol of the world, Cody, Wyoming. Next, we had to conquer a mountain so high, only fools like us and the other the other people on the road would dare to climb. So I don't know the name of it, but we can call it "Big Horn". So it took us 2 hours to go up and over this mountain, and it peaked at almost 10,000 ft, and it was 39 degrees at 7pm. Yeah.

We stayed in a Holiday Inn with a waterfall inside, and Greta peed in front of the elevator. Perfect.

A not so good night sleep brings us to a breakfast at Perkins, which has a meal called the "City Slicker" and we head out to South Dakota. We stop in Sundance, Wyoming. Only to find a town of like 150 people and no movies. Next to Sturgis. Recovering from this years bike week, there were still some stragglers drinking and fighting (well not fighting, but I bet they were dreaming of fighting. Ok, maybe not, but I bet at one time in their lives, a fight has accord where they were close by or had to defend themselves).

Mt. Rushmore, 27 miles from Rapid City, South Dakota, was a huge rock far away with four of our influential presidents faces on it. That's it. But it was cool to see.

Driving 400 miles in the middle of the night, watching Backyardingan's and the Wonder pet's, it's cold and we are all tired, we head to Sioux Falls for some sleep and clothes washing.

Tomorrow, Minnesota and the Mall of America.

*rawsonfour and greta too.

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