Saturday, September 8, 2007

East Coast Bound

So our we started our trek cross country today. We left California, headed out on 40 East to the Grand Canyon. We are staying in a small historic Route 66 town called Williams, AZ.

You lose the idea the the earth is still pure when you watch TV, and live in the same area for a while. But let us tell you that the the good ol' U.S. of A is standing strong and looks great. We saw mostly desert, but the scenery is still stunning. We didn't take any pictures, but tomorrow we will.

It was long trip, but it was fun. Cooper and Ava colored, played with some toys, read some books and watched movies. Greta slept, as she loathes car rides.

Tomorrow starts the trip through the town and then to the Grand Canyon.

Next stop; Provo Utah. Maybe we will stop in Colorado City and hang with the fundamentalist Mormons. J/K

To all our Cali friends. We will miss you! It was a great 4.5 years. Later Brah.


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