Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Don't read if you don't like Poop!

We have Poo-Poo! With much delay, fear, and aggravation (the latter on our part), Cooper has decided to poop on the potty!! This morning (and for the 100th time) he said he had to poop on the potty. I assumed it was a false alarm, or stall tactic, or an excuse to get alone time, or ... any number of things; but when they ask to go potty, you take them.

To my SHOCK, it happened! So now, he's getting the $1.00 Papa promised him, AND Mommy and Daddy are going to take him to the store to get him the Go, Diego, Go! toy (yes, we used a little bribery, but we call it an incentive; and heck, it worked!).
Now we're almost down to 1 in diapers. Yippeeee!


Anonymous said...

Yea Cooper!!!! Grammie and PopPop are very proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Great job, Cooper!! You're such a big boy! Out of curiosity, what reading material do you prefer for the bathroom? We love ya!