Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A New Years Editorial By Joey Rawson

With another year ending, and one about to begin, I thought I would share some thoughts.

As this year begun, unwanted stress and anger were part of my daily routine at work. Which bled into fatigue and stress at home. But once September came along, and we hit the highway, I started whistling a different tune.

Moving to North Carolina has been nothing short of a blessing. My new command has supported me as an individual more than any other command in my career. The Onslow County area is a great place to live. Don't get me wrong, Southern California was awesome, and San Clemente was a beautiful place to live, but it grew tired. Here, I feel relaxed, no pressure. I haven't meet anybody mean. It's full of "Southern Hospitality." It took a little getting used to, but I sure do enjoy it now.

The stars shine brightly, and the cool wind is the only noise cluttering your thoughts at night (unless the hunting dogs at the end of the road are going at it, but they're just dogs). Yeah, we have the occasional gun fire here and there, but to put it in prospective, it's just some hunter out there enjoying himself.

As a city boy, with 19 years of Philadelphia blood running through me, I must say this was a much needed change. Who needs gang violence, murder, theft and streets of trash, when you can have people who are just living. Sure, some have small homes and leave stuff on their lawns. But in all honesty, do we really need big things, or is it something that we desire? I have a big house, but I wanted a big house. Could I have settled for a park model? Sure, but it was our desire to have this home.

Ending my discourse, I would like to say that I love North Carolina. I love my family and the home we live in. I love the country road I drive to work everyday, and farms that line them.

Happy 2008 everybody. Keep it simple.


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