Tuesday, January 1, 2008

No matter how you say it....

Arabic: Kul 'aam u antum salimoun
Chinese: Chu Shen Tan
Dutch: Gullukkig Niuw Jaar
French: Bonne Annee
German: Prosit Neujahr
Greek: Eftecheezmaenos o Kaenooryos hronos
Hebrew: L'Shannah Tovah Tikatevu
Irish (Gaelic): Bliain nua fe mhaise dhuit
Italian: Buon Capodanno
Polish: Szczesliwego Nowego Roku
Russian: S Novim Godom
Spanish: Feliz Ano Neuvo Prospero Ano Nuevo
English: Happy New Year

No matter how it is said, the meaning is the same.


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