Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I'm a KV (again!)

Joey told me his unit needed a KV, Key Volunteer. The primary purpose of the KV is to communicate official command information, act as a communication link between the command and families, and to provide information through resource referrals. While KVs support families at all times, the primary function is during deployments.

In Cali, I was an Ombudsman, similar to the USMC KV, but the Navy side. I also took KV training in Cali, but recertified this week.

I'm so glad to be doing this: it allows me to support other military families, especially those who are new to the military; when it's Joey's turn to deploy, I'll be first in the know, my personality type needs information, and lots of it; it gives me a grown up responsibility, one where I'll be able to talk with adults (instead of toddlers.)

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