Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fire Ants Stink!

Yesterday, Ava decided it would be fun to find, and play in, a fire ant hill. She didn't cry, jump, or react until my Dad Rawson went over and noticed the pests crawling all over her. They weren't big red fire ants, but small little ants. In any event, when they first bit her, they looked like little mosquito bites. I counted the bites up and she had around 40 bites; mostly around her ankles but also on her hands, tummy legs, and arms. I gave her a bath right away, and she seemed fine. She still seems fine, but this morning the "little" mosquito bites are now puss filled blisters. I called the doctor, and they said to give her benedryl and hydrocortizone or neosporin cream if they seem iritated. Also, keep them clean to make sure they don't get infected.

Yikes! Even though she doesn't seem affected, I feel so bad for her...

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