Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day

Father's Day was Sunday, and what a good day it was! It started with the kids waking Daddy up (we thought about breakfast in bed, but right now they are just too little not to bounce around and get drink and food everywhere!) Then we came downstairs, had a breakfast of strawberry creme crepes, hashbrown omelette with green chiles, sausage, fresh fruit (nectarines, bing cherries, and cantelope), topped off with mimosas. The kids gave Daddy their presents to thank him for being such a great Daddy; they made him mugs at the ceramic shop on base so everyday when he has his coffee he can think of them! They also gave him handmade cards and certificates for 1 car wash (they'll need help, of course!) Joey got the idea how much we all appreciate and love him, that, to us, he's the best Daddy ever!

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