Monday, June 30, 2008

Sports Candy

Since the kids are home with me all day, I try to place a "limit" on TV time; I don't want to be a villian about it, but I try not to turn it on until around 4PM when I start dinner, unless I'm doing something where I really need to focus (painting, mopping, etc.), then I'll turn it on with a timer. Typically it's unplugged because those rascals know exactly how to turn it on and change the channels.

But there are some shows, that do teach good lessons, even if I don't realize it at the time. Cooper was going into the fridge this morning to get an apples for Ava and himself, and he said to me, "Mom, you know what this is?" "Yes," I replied, "a red apple." "No, Mom, it's sports candy, and it makes you big and strong." As he takes a big bite.

He got that from Lazy Town, a show that encourages kids to eat apples and carrots; the shows hero "Sportacus" "sports candy." The premise is the kids need Sportacus to help them be active and play outdoors rather than stay inside playing video games, the villian is Robbie Rotten who wants them to stay lazy. It's actually a great, healthy, show!

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