Tuesday, July 8, 2008

It's a Good Day to Eat Outside

That's what Cooper said, as we ate on the porch this afternoon. After watering the pumpkin and watermelon plants, taking the kitchen waste to compost, and collecting rocks, we decided to eat outside. Cooper asked if Daddy would be home for lunch, I told them Daddy ate lunch at work. Cooper said, "Maybe if we call him loud enough, he'll hear us and come?" Then he and Ava started calling "Dadddddyyyyy, Daaaad-dddyyyyy" as loud as the could. It was really very cute.

There was a calm breeze, and it was a lovely lunch!


Anonymous said...

Hey girl...Ari sent me a link to your blog. It's great to see the kids growing up. Hope all is well. My blog is at www.jackiemontgomery.wordpress.com...Make sure you let me know when you come to town next!


Anonymous said...

W-O-W!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a great place to have lunch. Wish I was there.

Hey Coopie and Ava...maybe you can have lunch there with Nana and Papa when they come down.