Monday, July 28, 2008

Summertime Favorite

I've been enjoying my all time summertime favorite for the last few weeks, crunchy, thirst quenching, sweet watermelon. I've been sneaking bites here and there when the kids aren't looking (because they are just as much watermelon fans as myself), we've enjoyed it for dessert, more nights than not, and now that it's at it's peak, I can start picking it up roadside for as little as $2 a piece. Last night at Sam's Club, it was $6.47 a piece, but off the road we can get it fresh from the vine.

I've also been growing my own! For the most part, I've been pretty sure I was going to be as unsuccessful at growing watermelon as anything else I've tried; I have a brown thumb. But we noticed a few days ago we have a few babies on the vine! I think we'll end up with 3 or so watermelon, which suits me fine, since the seed investment was only a buck or so! Here's our biggest baby, close up and then a wide shot so you can see how little he is (and how far the vine has grown outside the brick border we made.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seeeee!!!!!!!! I told you. Right where the blooms are.