Sunday, January 4, 2009

Leaves You Beaming

Sometimes your kids say things that make you scratch your head, and sometimes they make you say things that make you beam with pride!

Tonight, was one of those times. Ava went to bed early, it was just Joey, Cooper any myself making dinner. Cooper said:

Cooper: You guys, come here, I have to tell you something (as he motioned us closer, and down to his level)
Daddy and Mommy: What buddy?
Cooper: You know how much I love you guys?
How much? We replied.
Cooper: I love you as much as the earth.
Thanks Cooper, that's a lot! We love you that much, too!
Cooper: And I have something else to say.
Rawson Four Hug! (and he extends his arms around us both.)

Man, what a kid!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, he and his little sis are truly great little guys. If the world had a whole bunch more just like them, it would be a lot better place.