Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sitting on Neptunes Lap

How many opportunities do you get to sit on Nana and Papa's lap, while sitting on Neptune?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Cooper and Ava did some sticky art work at home this weekend; Cooper used his kidsafe sissors and glue stick, and Ava used glue stick and pasta. Their creations were so cute! Cooper made his man all by himself, I only helped with the buttons! For Ava's, I only helped do her name at the top. Fun!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Summertime Favorite

I've been enjoying my all time summertime favorite for the last few weeks, crunchy, thirst quenching, sweet watermelon. I've been sneaking bites here and there when the kids aren't looking (because they are just as much watermelon fans as myself), we've enjoyed it for dessert, more nights than not, and now that it's at it's peak, I can start picking it up roadside for as little as $2 a piece. Last night at Sam's Club, it was $6.47 a piece, but off the road we can get it fresh from the vine.

I've also been growing my own! For the most part, I've been pretty sure I was going to be as unsuccessful at growing watermelon as anything else I've tried; I have a brown thumb. But we noticed a few days ago we have a few babies on the vine! I think we'll end up with 3 or so watermelon, which suits me fine, since the seed investment was only a buck or so! Here's our biggest baby, close up and then a wide shot so you can see how little he is (and how far the vine has grown outside the brick border we made.)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Tony Bean is a Loser

Jerry's Karaoke made sure to put up a sign here in Jacksonville to let everyone know what a deadbeat Tony Bean is.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

It has been years since I have been able to express myself musically. Check out the video and enjoy.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Jacksonville Fire Station #1

Today, my Mama's group went to the Jacksonville Fire Station, #1. It was a great trip, the firefighters showed the kids what a uniform is like, let them try on some of the gear, showed them the engine, played a really great video (from 1995 but was really great; Cooper came out reciting some fire safety), and got their own "deputy fire marshall" hats. Tons of fun, and extremely educational, too.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fun at the Maysville Playground

We tried out the local Maysville Park this week; after all this time we didn't even know it was there! What fun!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sunday, July 13, 2008

What's Old is New Again

Isn't it true, fads go out and come back again? When Joey was a kid, he loved Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Well, full circle...

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Cooper swiped my camera when I wasn't looking, and this is what I found he used it to take photos of. He loves his cars, what can I say...

Friday, July 11, 2008

Rocket Party

Tomorrow it Cooper's birthday party with his friends; I'm excited but at the same time, I always get nervous that the kids will have a good time, that we'll be serving food everyone will enjoy, that the adults will enjoy themselves, etc. So I'm anxious for it to be here and over, too!

Cooper requested a Rocket Party. I'm making a Rocket Ship Cake today (photos later), we got a rocket pinata, and I make rocket/outer space themed gift bags for all the kids. I'm pretty happy with them, they only cost about $2.50 a child, and have a whole variety of fun stuff; stickers, coloring pages, punch ball, rocket, create your own space scene,and all time favorite Pop Rocks (had to throw some candy in there!) We bought red and blue lunch sacks from Walmart, stamped outerspace images on the outside (meteors, stars, astronauts, planets, etc.), then loaded them and sealed them with a planet sticker. They're fun!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Little Princess?

Ava, having seen me put on make up, discovered a long-lost tube of lipstick yesterday while I was doing dishes. Of course, she doesn't know the difference and thought it was eyeshadow. She applied it to the best of her ability (which, she did get it around the eye!) Two problems; 1) it was 18-hour lipstick; doesn't come off with normal soap and water, and you really have to scrub; 2) Vaseline will take it off, but we didn't have any. Yikes! Luckily, Blistex is 50% petroleum (main ingredient in Vaseline), so I had to coat the poor child's eyes in lip balm, let it sit, and rub with a wash cloth. But it came out, and now she's her beautiful self (sans makeup.)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Brown Thumb

I have a brown thumb, always have. But thankfully, pumpkin and watermelon are so fool proof, that we've managed to at least grow a few of these. Granted, nothing has grown off yet, but I still expect they will (hopefully!)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

It's a Good Day to Eat Outside

That's what Cooper said, as we ate on the porch this afternoon. After watering the pumpkin and watermelon plants, taking the kitchen waste to compost, and collecting rocks, we decided to eat outside. Cooper asked if Daddy would be home for lunch, I told them Daddy ate lunch at work. Cooper said, "Maybe if we call him loud enough, he'll hear us and come?" Then he and Ava started calling "Dadddddyyyyy, Daaaad-dddyyyyy" as loud as the could. It was really very cute.

There was a calm breeze, and it was a lovely lunch!

Snack Time in the Playroom

GIF animations generator

Monday, July 7, 2008

Visit Over

Grammie, PopPop, and cousin Alex came to visit for Cooper's 4th Birthday last week. The cousins had a great time, and it was great to spend time with our family. We're looking forward to the next visit by Grammie and PopPop, and we'll get to see cousin Alex again soon, next month!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Someone Enjoyed Cooper's Birthday Cake

GIF animations generator

Cake #9 And Cooper's Birthday Cake

Here are our latest cakes; first is the cake I made for Mom Rawson's 60th birthday. Next is Cooper's birthday "cupcake"; it was an overgrown cupcake. It was made with a cake pan where each side makes one half of a full sized cake in the shape of a cupcake! For Cooper's child birthday party next week, he's having a Rocket Ship party, so he's have a, surprise, Rocket Ship Cake. Stay tuned...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday to Our Big Boy, Cooper!

Happy 4th on the 4th, Cooper, you're such a big boy now!! Love you, Mommy & Daddy

Thursday, July 3, 2008